Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Spice Up Your Pc's Sound System - X-Fi Mod

Hello Guys! Today I'm gonna tell you how you can make sound module of your system a SONIC BOOM one! That means with awesome sound and clarity, No need of buying any extra Sound Card.Just follow my GUIDE and your good to go! But please not this is only working in some of the Realtek Chipsets,so give it a try once. So here is the guide you need.  

These features include Dolby Advanced Audio v2, SRS Premium, Sonic Focus, DTS, THX Pro Studio, etc. Additionally, fetures such as Crystalizer, EAX Effects, X-Fi CMSS 3D, SVM, etc can me made available via Creative's X-Fi MD 2 software
.Please note that these features will depend on which Realtek chip you have onboard 

Windows 7 and Windows 8 both supported 32bit and 64bit.These Realtek Chipsets are only supported so check your version and then follow the guide.

Supported Chips: ALC880, ALC882, ALC883, ALC885, ALC887, ALC888, ALC889, ALC892, ALC861VC, ALC861VD, ALC660, ALC662, ALC663, ALC665, ALC680, ALC260, ALC262, ALC267, ALC268, ALC270, ALC272, ALC273, ALC670, ALC275, ALC233, ALC284, ALC286, ALC292, ALC383, ALC668, ALC900

How to check onboard chip version:

To check which Realtek chip you have onboard, follow these steps:

1. Go to Control Panel and open 'Realtek HD Audio Manager'.
2. In Realtek HD Audio Manager, click the 'i' button at the bottom-right corner.
3. In the windows that opens, check the text written with 'Audio Codec' (eg. ALC892, 896), this is your onboard Realtek chip version. Only ALC chips are supported by this mod.

Stuff to download:

> Modded realtek drivers.
> Creative X-FI MBII software


download the latest versions as per your OS.

Steps to install modded drivers:

Note - To install in Windows 8, you have to disable driver signature enforcement.

1. Extract the downloaded driver file.
2. Run Setup.exe from the extracted location.
3. The installer will ask to uninstall current audio drivers, allow it to do so. Reboot when prompted.
4. After reboot, the modded driver installation will continue. Allow it to do so.
5. If you get any warning about lack of digital signature by driver or something related to identity not verified, then select "Install anyways" to allow the installer to install modded drivers.
6. Reboot when prompted.
7. You are done.

he features unlocked will purely depend on the Sound Chip you have.

Steps to use Creative X-FI MB II software:

1. Extract the downloaded creative software file.
2. Run "Setup.exe" from the extracted location.
3. Complete the installation. DO NOT RUN THE SOFTWARE NOW. Ignore any warnings about audio chip not supported.
4. Boot into Safe Mode.
5. Extract "Activator.7z" and run the activation file. this will allow to run Creative X-FI software on onboard Realtek chip.
6. Reboot normally.
7. Enjoy.

Note: Please make sure you use only 48 KHz as the default sound format, there may be playback problems above 48 KHz.

SRS Effect can be found in Realtek control panel. Other effects like SonicFocus, Dolby, DTS etc can be found under specific playback device settings. Steps to reach there are below:

1. Right click on volume icon in taskbar.
2. Click on "Playback Devices".
3. Double-click on the playback device you use, eg. speaker , headphones or digital audio.
Here you fill find all the unlocked effects.

If You Have Any Queries Ask Me And Don't Forget To Share This Post.




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